A big shout out to all the members of the public that have offered to donate their unwanted baby items, we appreciate this alot and we know it’s strange to hear us refusing your generosity but we have our reasons.
Basch Helps CIC works very hard with suppliers and distributors to ensure we’re getting the fairest price all the time and strongly believe in being able to trace back to the manufacturer, everything we have distributed to families over the years.
We also very much like pampering the newborn’s we support, some of whom are born into the most underprivileged families and so it’s only fair to give them an equal chance of benefiting from the newest baby essentials available every time.
Lastly it keeps any possible contamination at bay, ensures every baby item is of the finest quality and saves on volunteers having to collect & organise through piles of donations and quality checking each individual item.
Thanks Again London
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