Our NHS, the very backbone of our entire health service continues to encourage pregnant women of all ages to get their COVID-19 vaccination. Sadly recent data shows that out of all women between the ages of 16 and 49 on ECMO in intensive care, pregnant women make up almost a third (32 percent) of those being hospitalised who have yet had their first vaccination.
Therefore we have decided to launch a new covid vaccination drive and an online myth busting COVID vaccination hub which will explain everything coronavirus related including symptoms and a guide into COVID-19 vaccinations, how a small 0.5ml dose can make all the difference in keeping you and your newborn safe and healthy.
Did you know? Everyone at Basch Helps CIC has been triple vaccinated with our members having taken a combination of AstraZeneca, Pfizer & Moderna. Guess what? we’re still here and still delivering the best emergency relief to your newborns daily
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