Helping newborns to thrive and survive
Our AngelBox community service has just been given a special overhaul making the application process and delivery of our bespoke newborn and toddler relief package more user friendly and faster.
All applicants and London borough early help referrers can now keep track of the entire AngelBox process via a specially made portal.
We are also pleased to announce from October 2021, our AngelBox applicants will be able to request breast pumps as part of their baby relief package. This was recommended by our board member and a team leader of the AngelBox programme, Alaa Abuesa and following a consultation with previous AngelBox recipients, the idea was well received.
Lastly we would like to express our gratitude to the Brent Early Helps Team for their August 2021 referrals. Recognition of our AngelBox community service from key London borough departments and their willingness to refer critically vulnerable residents for an AngelBox proves that working together achieves greater results for the entire London community.
If your facing financial hardship and are either heavily pregnant or have a toddler no older than 12 months. Apply today for AngelBox and gift your child the ultimate relief package
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