The Christmas period and the beginning of the new year has been a very busy period for our AngelBox community service and the families we have served have certainly faced difficult challenges in providing their cherished newborns with essential items and nourishment.
Empty shelves in supermarkets due to distribution problems combined with hyper inflated retail prices on essential baby items such as nappies, milk formula, toiletries, bottling kits and many more have caused parents severe stress and undue panic this is further compounded by the impact of benefit cuts, in some cases uninhabitable living conditions and delays in asylum decisions to name a few.
In some cases, we’ve had to go above our usual duties and build or fix furnishings, purchased and installed kitchen appliances so that the parents can cook for themselves and their older children, baby cots so that the newborns we provide emergency relief to, don’t have to sleep in dangerous 2nd hand furnishings or mums fearing they will crush their child when sleeping next to them on the bed to providing baby carriers so that the mums we support can go out more and live life a little.
Kudos to our AngelBox team leaders and volunteers for their unrelenting desire to truly support our clients and their newborns and for always going the extra mile when making their deliveries and home visits.
Throughout 2022, Basch Helps CIC will continue to adapt and grow our AngelBox community service, create new and long lasting relationships with fellow charitable & community organisations as well as expand our outreach and delivery capabilities to more council-led social service departments within Greater London.
Look out for all future announcements about new additions to our AngelBox, our limited edition vanity pouch for the mums of newborns and much more.
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