AngelBox fraud aint cool, Benefit fraud isn’t either. If our assessment or delivery teams suspect something’s not right about your story don’t be upset if we turn you down.
Where a genuine community organisation, our concerns for your family and newborn are genuine and it’s our mission to support you as much as humanly possible but when somethings not right, don’t be upset if we turn you down!
Half the AngelBox process is getting to know you the parents, where not DPD or Amazon, where not a robotic organisation that just delivers baby essentials on demand and so we do naturally ask questions and run background checks on everyone that applies to our AngelBox community service.
Recently the scale of attempted AngelBox fraud or suspected benefit fraud has been an epidemic in its own right.
So please don’t be upset if we reject your AngelBox application, if our assessment team has found your under declaring your income or living with a partner but claiming as a single parent or if we refuse a topup based on our own home assessments.
It’s not fair on our genuine beneficiaries and it’s certainly not fair on the hardworking taxpayers to claim benefits and housing support but earn 10,000’s or 100,000’s in cash on the side.
Therefore if you live in a million pound home and earn over £45k per annum, why are you applying for our service?
If you claim universal credit and live in subsidized housing but own a Porsche and wear 24k gold top to bottom, why are you applying for our service?
If your married but are claiming as a lone parent across the board and your husband casually opens the door to receive us, how do you think our delivery team will feel about it?
There are people in London genuinely struggling to live a decent life, parents that live in absolute squalor because there’s a housing shortage, parents that have no electricity or gas, those who can’t buy food, those who are facing eviction and the list is endless.
It’s your greed that is draining health resources, social service resources, housing resources, the limited financial resources this government has left and our resources.
Our message is to respectfully stop, to consider what your doing and how, when the day comes you might genuinely need support for your baby there might be nothing left standing.
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